Recorded by London Gatch
Perfect love has set us free. Perfect love for you and me
There is nothing greater in this world and we believe In Your love we are complete
Perfect love has cast out fear. Perfect love will meet us here
By Your Holy Spirit you have called us as Your own
In Your love we're not alone
Before I took a breath, before I sang Your song
You loved me first, Oh You loved me first
I could not save myself but You found me at the cross
Where you loved me first, Oh You love me with You perfect love
Hear the heavens sing to you. King of Glory strong and true
You didn't need our worship but still You always knew
Perfect love we needed You
There is no greater love that You would send Your son
You brough us with Your blood oh what perfect love
You are the living word we've seen and we have heard
You're grace so undeserved
Oh what perfect love, Oh what perfect love
You didn't need our worship but still you always knew
Perfect love we needed You, Perfect love we needed You